The Executive Extra Mile (Running Camp)
We all know that running is one of the most versatile and easily accessible sports and we are obviously aware of all the health benefits. What relatively few know, is that if approached correctly, running can benefit every aspect of our lives, professional and personal.
A quick short run or commute will energise even the toughest day. A long, slow run can develop patience and focus, which feeds productive brainstorming, and strategy. Speed training may well help you sweat away toxic thoughts and stress, thus reviving your creativity.
Executive Running is not just about running though. It also shows you how to go the extra mile professionally, both short-term and long-term. We combine the running with our Executive Endurance program making this a unique opportunity for all leaders who love running. Avoiding burnout at work is equally important as escaping injuries, and this program is designed to help you find the balance that is perfect for you.
We hold these camps in select locations in Greece and Spain which are ideal for both running and regaining focus as well as disconnecting. Ours is a training camp with more than just running in mind: participants can expect to receive in-depth “workouts” to help them with their goal setting, planning and execution as well as their overall wellbeing.
Executives in top leadership positions can definitely benefit from our running camp – Team ORAMIQUE will ensure you gain in every area of your life, and that you have an unforgettable fun experience also.
Under the coaching and guidance of renowned ultra-distance runner Alex Panayotou and featuring an array of specialised topics, this Executive Running Camp will most certainly help you strike the perfect balance between health, running, work and finding joy outside of your workplace.
So, step in, step up and prepare to sweat while enjoying every bit: rejuvenation of mind, spirit, body and soul is certain to be awaiting you at the end.
Who will benefit:
- CEOs, Senior & middle management, politicians
- High to mid-ranked officers
- Physicians / doctors
- Any high level professional who loves running or wants to start
Main topics of focus:
- Making running benefit each participant
- Fitting running into your particular schedule
- Avoiding injury
- Running as an executive/professional tool
- Using running to handle stress and avoid burnout
- Designing solutions for balance and energy
Value and expected outcomes:
- More fun from your running
- Extracting work-related benefits from your running
- Less/no injuries
- Tailor-made professional sustainability plan
- Being able to better handle stress
- Choosing the nutrition plan that works for you personally
- A realistic balance in your life